Welcome to my confessions... they aren't quite confessions, but welcome anyway...

Monday, March 8, 2010


This is a shout out to my friend Alli who just started following my blog today.
Wow, Alli.
I told you about it four hours ago.
What did you do, go home and follow it right away?
If so, cool.
I'm totally okay with that.
You should have seen my face when I checked it and saw that it had three followers.
I think I had a heart attack and nearly fell off my chair.
You would have laughed.
Well, I gotta go.


  1. hey jennelle :)
    i haven't seen you in awhile.
    anyway,your mom sent my mom a link to your blog, and so my mom made me start one...
    so ya...
    see you later

  2. ISABEL!!!
    Oh my god, how are you?
    I haven't seen you in forever!
    Wait, your Mom made you start a blog?
    Should I feel responsible for this?
    I don't know...
    See ya!

  3. ha.ha.ha.
    yes, this is ALL YOUR FAULT!
    I know, I haven't seen you since...i can't even remember.
    When did you become elle?haha

  4. I became Elle when I didn't want people knowing my real name. You will refer to me as Elle from now on. Got that? Just kidding.
    But seriously.

  5. yet you still put you last name on...interesting
    did georgetown have school today? cuz masco didn't.
    Good-bye "elle"
