Welcome to my confessions... they aren't quite confessions, but welcome anyway...

Monday, October 4, 2010

Does anyone read this twaddle anymore?

I don't even know if anyone reads this crap that I spout.
I know that it isn't really on any one's to do list.
Truth be told, I don't even think that it is on mine.
So, here goes.
I may or may not continue posting.
There is a possibility that I might, if I'm bored and I need to inspire myself to write.
That was really what this was for, did I ever tell you guys that?
This was just to get me writing, so my writer's block would end.
I hope that it worked.
I think that it did.
I'm writing again, so that's good.
I'm actually formulating plot lines, and creating villains and all that jazz!
It's a beautiful thing.
It really is.
So I hope that you guys don't hate me for leaving you.
I may start another blog - who knows?
Maybe I'll will start one that will allow me release my annoyances on the world.
We'll see.
Till then,
I remain,
Ever unfaithfully, since I don't know when I will write again,
Jennelle Marie Barosin
Oh, and P.S.
I just realized that I spell check is the devil.
Till next time