Welcome to my confessions... they aren't quite confessions, but welcome anyway...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summer Stories - Volume 2: Now I Remember Why I'm Practically A Vampire

Remember all those posts I write about being tired all the time and how I don't sleep enough?
Well, now I remember why I don't go to bed early.
Yesterday was my little brother's birthday party, and my lovely mother (Hi Ma) decided to wake me very early so I could get ready to go to Laser Quest with about eleven 7-year-olds. Now I don't know if Laser Quest is a Massachusetts thing, but it basically is laser tag - you get this huge vest thing with a laser gun and you go into a labyrinthine maze that is splattered with glow-in-the-dark paint and lit with black lights and you shoot people.
NO, my legs did not glow in the black light, thank you very much.
Back to the story.
Laser Quest is one of those activities where you walk a tentative line when you participate in them. I only go about once a year, maybe twice. It's always a blast when I go, because most of the time I go with my friends and we get to go in and shoot each other for about twenty minutes. It's fun. But then you've got those souls who look like they come to Laser Quest a little too much, catch my drift?
They're the kids who know the names of the people working at Laser Quest. They always win. They stand outside the door discussing battle strategies. They look down their noses at common folk like us who just go to have a good time, not to live out some adolescent fantasy of being a sniper in some elite branch of the military. Those kids are geeks for laser tag.
Now, I'm totally OK with going geek for something. I'm geeked for writing. And music. I'm a music snob, actually. But to me it seems a bit too Star Wars fantasy dreams to be normal adolescence. To each their own. Besides, I love Star Wars. May the force be with you, and all that jazz.
What was I talking about?
Oh, yeah - Joshua's birthday party.
This party honestly went on forever. One of Joshua's friends was here till about 7 0'clock. By then I was bushed. I also had spent the day with two of my close friends (hey guys) and had eaten a little too much cake.
So I went to bed at 8 o'clock in the evening.
Do you know how early that is?
It is so early it is still light enough to go for a bike ride and to come back before dark.
I'm surprised I could do it, but obviously I was tired enough. Bad move, Jennelle.
I woke up at 4 o'clock in the morning. Obviously, I fell back to sleep. But at 5 I couldn't take it anymore. I read for two hours and then made pancakes at 7.
And then I took a catnap.
Summer is amazing.
Have a great week.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Summer Stories - Volume 1: Sick Socks on the Sixth Sheep Say... Aww, Shoot I'm Sore

I'm sore, and sick, and sleepy.
It's not even seven days into summer vacation, and I'm already sick.
Or, I was yesterday. I'm feeling a bit better today. Still, all I want to do is watch I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant on TLC or True Jackson, VP on Teen Nick.
I'm a sad, sad loser, aren't I?
At least I'm not in my basement watching Buffy reruns folding laundry.
I only do that on alternate Thursdays.
Just kidding.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Just A Random Thought...

I was driving in the car with my mom, and it struck me that I will only meet about 1% of the world's population in my life.
I will never know people, and all they contribute.
I will never meet the people I see in their cars on the highway.
Those people in the mall I will never see again.
And that makes me very sad.
But also appreciative of all of the wonderful people I know.
Shout out-I love you all and appreciate you very much.
Thank you for being in my life.
Happy Summer!
P.S. I may not be posting a lot over the summer.
If the fancy strikes me, I might, but I'm trying to get a life, and I won't find it on the computer.
No offense.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I Hate Sunscreen Coz It LIES

It does. Honestly. The only two times this year I actually spend a decent amount of time in the sun, I burn my entire back off.

And my front.


Like really, really hurts!

And I'm graduating tomorrow and I'm wearing a spaghetti strap dress and I'm lobster colored on the back!

What the heck?!

Seriously, I think I spend so much time inside, in my dark basement that I have lost the defense mechanism that stops me from getting burnt like a piece of toast!


I've got very pale skin (I've mentioned this before) and my very pale skin needs to be very protected or else I look like a steamed crustacean.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Going Shopping

So today I went shopping with my mom for a jacket to wear over my graduation dress. I really don't understand the big deal about graduation. Why can't we just wear jeans and a tee shirt and get a slip of paper and just say "cheers" to everyone and get on with our lives?
Honestly, we're only moving down a floor.
It's no big deal.
But, anything to get people to spend money.
I try not to spend a lot of money, so I got my dress at T. J. Maxx but I still needed a jacket because it...well, I need a jacket over it.
Let's leave it at that.
I'm just kidding. I need one because it has spaghetti straps and that is against dress code.
Back to the story - I live in Massachusetts, which is one of the smaller states.
Oh, who am I kidding?
Massachusetts is freaking TINY.
I live in a town so small that everyone else knows where everyone and their mother lives.
Georgetown is kind of like a black hole.
Once you're in, it's hard to get out.
There are people in this town who's parents lived their whole life in Georgetown, and then they lived their whole life in Georgetown, and now they have kids.
I know that as soon as I can, I'm heading out as fast as I can.
I kind of can't wait to split, leave, get to experience life other than living in Georgetown, which is East Kneecaps Nowhere, Massachusetts.
Anywho, back to the story instead of bashing my town, which apart from being tiny is pretty cool.
There are a bunch of malls in Massachusetts, and one of them, the Northshore Mall, has a Forever 21 store, which has three floors and is possibly the largest store I've ever seen in my life. It gives you a headache. It makes you want to buy every single thing you can lay your hands on.
I call this shopping fever.
I didn't buy that much. Just a pair of sandals and jacket for my dress.
I guess I'm kind of oblivious to shopping fever. Or, maybe I've gotten the vaccine.
I had an idea for this post, but I forget where I was going.
OH, right.
Before going shopping, my mother and I paid a visit to my aunt, and then we went to Bobs, which is in Middleton, which, despite having Richardson's Farms, which has the most delicious ice cream known to mankind, is kind of a hick-town.
Not stereotyping; my mom grew up in Middleton.
And I really used a lot of whichs in that sentence, didn't I?
Anyway, in front of Bobs, there was a tough looking guy in a beat-up, old, pick-up truck.
And he had a chihuahua on his lap.
No stereotyping.
I promise.
Happy June 13th.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

This post has no title because that is how I feel today.

Just no.

That's all.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Finals Are The Bane Of My EXISTENCE!

So I was going to write about Kieve and Creepy Ken, but I don't think I will today. I'm not feeling it.
So instead I will write about the fact that finals are the bane of my EXISTENCE!
Even when they are totally easy.
I was nervous about the Spanish final.
Not anymore.
It was about 150 questions and I finished in under an hour.
That takes some skill.
And the English vocabulary final was, no offense, a joke.
I love you, Ms. Bailey, for making that final so easy.
It took me less than twenty minutes.
It took everyone in my class less than twenty minutes.
It was great.
Oh, and in the forty minutes I had left over after I finished the Spanish final, I wrote about the dream I had last night.
It was bizarre.
Very bizarre.
I was in a dress.
I don't wear dresses.
At all.
But there I was, in my dream, in a ball gown, dancing with a guy in a black mask like Westley in the Princess Bride, around and around a fountain that was spitting lilac water.
It was weird.
It was also the reason I woke up before my alarm.
Good times.
Well, anyway, finals or no finals, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer marathon is tomorrow, and my butt has a date with the couch. If I want that to happen, I have to study that butt off for the Civics final tomorrow.
So, see ya later, alligator.
In a while, crocodile.
Good evening,

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hey Barbie, Ken Was On My Class Trip! (?)

So, for the past three days, my class went on a trip up to Camp Kieve, the Leadership School, and I'll tell you more about it later, but I just have one thing to say-
One of the guy counselors, not even kidding, looked like Ken.
So that's what we called him.
His name is Sam.
Oh, and he was kind of creepy, so my cabin thought that he would be on America's Most Wanted in about um, let's say, ten years?
Yay for finals!
See you later.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


As you can tell from the title, I'm barely coherent, so bare with me.
I'm not going to be posting for a bit, since I have finals, and other fun stuff like that, so normal sporadic blogging will continue in less than a month, but other than that I won't be posting unless I really have something to say.
Which probably won't happen.
Enjoy your June.