Welcome to my confessions... they aren't quite confessions, but welcome anyway...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

So I've Got To Stop Using the Word So....

And that title has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of my blog, so read on.
If you dare.
This post is about the weird dreams I've been having recently.
The first one was were I was trapped in the bog in my backyard and had an evil witch change me into a guinea pig which was then promptly eaten by an anaconda.
Then there was the one where I was in a room with almost every single solitary person I've seen in my life, and then my friend Holly and I had an argument over the temperature of the pool that just happened to be in the center of the room.
Transcript of the argument?
Yes indeed.
Me:*looks at the steaming pool. Turns to Holly.* "What's the temperature?"
Holly: "30 degrees."
Me: "Oh, in Celsius. That makes sense."
Holly: "No in Fahrenheit."
Me: "That doesn't make sense!"
Holly: "It's Fahrenheit, I'm telling you."
Me: "But it can't be! There is no ice in it! If it was 30 degrees Fahrenheit, there would be ice!"
Holly: "It's Fahrenheit and that's final!"
Me: "Starts to cry."
Then the butler guy from Batman (the newer ones.) comes up to me and says-
"I have scientific confirmation that the herb St. John's Wart wants to be an English bureaucrat."
I woke up after that.
Then last night I had a dream that my cousin was driving me somewhere, but we were on a movie set, so we had to crash the car, and then we got flung out and we landed on one of those mat things that they have on movie stunt scenes.
I'm actually quite afraid to go to sleep tonight.
My dreams are just getting weirder.
I used to not dream at all.
OH, and if anyone knows what St. John's Wart is, please tell me.
I have no idea.
Oh, and what's a bureaucrat?

Monday, April 26, 2010

I'm Typing in an Odd Position.

I'm typing with my foot on the desk in front of me and under the monitor, and the keyboard is rolled under my desk so I have no typing space.
I thought you'd all like to know.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The iPad - The New Best Thing (Or Not?)

So everyone is going crazy over the new iPad, Apple's latest technical masterpiece.
I really don't get it.
It's just a bigger iPod Touch.
That's all it is folks!
You know what?
When Apple comes out with a time machine, then I'll buy it.
But until then, I'll have to make do with DVR.
I'm out.

Friday, April 23, 2010

So My Mother Thrust An Idea Upon Me...

...And I think I might consider it.
Obviously, by the title of my blog, I kind of want to be a writer in the future.
But, the thing is, I don't let people read anything that I write.
I have notebooks upon notebooks upon notebooks of things that I have written, but I've never let a single soul read the stories that reside within.
Besides myself.
The reason behind this is that I am deathly afraid that when people read what I have written, they won't like it. They will just cast it aside as nonsense, and let my stories rot away in some unused corner, surrounded by maniacal dust bunnies and gruesome spiders.
So, getting back to the title, my mother had this idea.
One of the mothers of a little boy on my younger brother's baseball team is an editor of a newspaper, and she and my mom were talking.
My mom thought that it would be a good idea if I inquired in to the editor of my town paper and asked if I could write for the paper.
Now, I have some idea about what I am going to do about this, but I want you guys's opinion -
Should I write for the paper?
Or should I just try to get my stories published instead?
And that, folks, is my dilemma this Friday.
Hope you are all having a peachy day!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm Tired and It's Tuesday...

...so I'm listening to Secondhand Serenade, watching DOCTOR WHO, and I just ate six slices of pizza.
I think Tuesday's are awesome.
Also, I just found out that Stanford University has a student house called the Enchanted Broccoli Forest.
I just found out where I am going to college.
Happy Tuesday!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Wow, two posts in one night!

So lately some of my blogging friends have been making their blogs look very nice, and I decided that mine should look just as nice, because, well, I inspired them.
Just saying.
BUT ANYWAY, I just found out about this thing from Olivia (Hi, Liv) that there was this thing called Blogger In Draft, that would allow you to do really cool backgrounds and such.
SO, I changed my blog yet again.
For the last time for a bit, I think.
But anyway, I think that this background suits the title of the blog, don't you think?
I am an aspiring author, am I not?
Again, and finally,
Happy Monday, all.

I apologize for something...

...and that something was completely out of my control.
The first link I had in my last blog is out of order due to a copyright claim the BBC had.
So it's no longer working.
I suppose that you could just look up DOCTOR WHO FISH CUSTARD if you really wanted to see that scene.
But if you were a true fan, you would have watched the series premiere.
Anyway, I'm just being weird.
I apologize if anyone tried to use it and it didn't work.
The fault is somewhat mine.
The thing is though, that I really don't think any of you care at all.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hooray! I Did It!

I successfully managed to make my blog look different and yet nice in under an hour?
Who da man?
I'm never saying that again.
For all of you who are WHO fans, you'll understand that poorly disguised attempt at adding DOCTOR WHO into my blog yet again.
I have every reason, though, because it is my favorite show of all time, and it did just premiere in the US last night and I am very excited about that BECAUSE IT IS MY FAVORITE SHOW OF ALL TIME AND IT'S FINALLY BACK ON TV!!!!!
Now, if you don't want to hear me ramble on about DOCTOR WHO for another ten minutes or however long it takes me to write this, then I suggest that you leave, because that's what's going down in G-Town today.
Brace yourselves.
So season four of DW (DOCTOR WHO, but I just don't feel like writing it every third word, so it shall be henceforth known as DW. Like Arthur's little sister. Haha, childhood. I digress.) ended with David Tennant, possibly my favorite Doctor ever, regenerating and becoming Matt Smith. Now, I was a little wary at first, because I was so used to David Tennant's Doctor, that I wouldn't know what to make of Matt Smith's.
I think I'm OK with him playing the Doctor. The show started out with the Doctor, (now Matt Smith) nearly crashing into Big Ben in his TARDIS, which is falling out of the sky. He lands in Amelia Pond's back yard, and she just calmly walks out and inquires if he is the police that she sent for about the crack in her wall (she had been praying to Santa to do something about the crack, when the Doctor crash-landed. And as we all know (Or at least I do) the TARDIS is a 1960s English Police Box.
So the Doctor is just getting over his latest regeneration, and in true style, doesn't quite know who he is yet.
He climbs out of the TARDIS soaking wet saying something about a swimming pool in the library and an intense craving for apples.
So little Amelia Pond (who is seven, by the way. They mention it later in the show.) leads the Doctor into her house and gives him an apple.
Here is a transcription of that entire scene. It's worth it.
Believe me.
Doctor: *stares around the kitchen*
Amelia: *hands Doctor an apple* If you're a doctor, why does your box say police?
Doctor: *bites apple then spits it out immediately* *coughs* That's disgusting, what is that?
Amelia: An apple.
Doctor: Apple's rubbish. I hate apples.
Amelia: You said you loved them.
Doctor: No, no. I love yogurt. Yogurt's my favorite, give me yogurt. (Just saying, British people say yogurt funny, so I watched that little bit, like, ten times.)
Amelia: *runs and gets a yogurt cup, hands it to him*
Doctor: *grabs the cup and rips the cover tinny thing off. Downs the yogurt. Promptly spits it out.*
Yogurt: *makes a really sickening sploosh noise as it hits the floor. Disgusting.*
Doctor: I hate yogurt. It's just stuff with bits in.
Amelia: *really not believing this strange, sopping wet man in her kitchen. I don't blame her. She's supposed to be seven.* You said it was your favorite.
Doctor: *wiping stray yogurt off of his face.* New mouth, new rules. It's like eating after cleaning your teeth; everything tastes gro-o-o--o-sss *goes into a spasm and looks kind of like a rag doll of strings. (Stupid Elle, that's called a marionette, you dummy.) Claps a hand to his head*
Amelia: What's wrong with you? (Can anyone blame her for asking this question?)
Doctor: Wrong with me? It's not my fault you can't give me any decent food. You're Scottish; fry something.
It goes through a few foods.
Like bacon.
Doctor: That's bacon?
Amelia: *nods*
Doctor: Are you trying to poison me?
And beans, one of my personal favorites.
Doctor: *takes a bite, then spits it out in the sink.* Beans are evil. Bad, bad beans.
And bread and butter.
Doctor: *throwing the plate out of the house. You hear a cat.* And stay out!
The scene ends with the Doctor eating fish sticks and custard.
It really was quite epic.
Also the line:
Doctor: Box falls out of the sky, man falls out of the box, man eats fish custard, and look at you, you're just sitting there!
That was directed at Amelia.
You can watch the scene on YouTube and see how bad my transcribing skills are with this link
I think that was one of my favorite episodes yet.
There's also a scene with a duck pond that you can find at this link
Yes that link is long, I know.
But if you've actually read this insane ramble, you deserve to see that clip.
Besides that, I really did love the series opener.
It made my Saturday night, yes it did.
Me, being me, I miss David Tennant, but Matt Smith and Karen Gillian really seem like quite the dynamic duo.
An ominous back story was shown at the very end of the show when the Doctor and Amy (as Amelia goes by now) go off in the TARDIS after the Doctor tells us that "Bow ties are cool" is a wedding dress hanging on the back of Amy's door.
I'm thoroughly excited, and I think that you lot are thoroughly bored, so I'm going to end this with a squeal and a "I can't wait for next Saturday even if it means that my vacation is over!"
With fish custard and my Chameleon Circuit, (Alli), I bid you all adieu.

Bear With Me...

I'm doing some new stuff to my blog, so if you happen to visit it when it is under maintenaince, I apologize. Random stuff will be happening, and many changes will happen.
Hope you like the new blog as much as I do!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tests and Allergies - A Tragedy

Today is Wednesday, the fourteenth of April.
It is also my brother's birthday!
Happy 16th Jake!
(Fun fact: my two brothers and I all have the same initials for our first and last name. AHA, my name is in fact NOT Elle. WHAT?)
Now that I'm done with random updates, let's get to the story.
I have some of the worst allergies known to mankind. I don't get the runny nose and scratchy throat as much as other people.
What I get are these absolutely murderous sinus headaches that feel like someone is taking a pickax to the inside of my forehead. Absolutely murderous.
I do about everything known to humans to try to remedy my allergies, but I still get them. Also, I happen to have sporadic insomnia that decided to come back this week and I haven't been sleeping well, on top of my allergies.
Life sucks.
So anyway, yesterday I had four tests, in various classes. I had a test in English, Spanish, Science, and Algebra.
The Science test was two questions and I ended up getting a hundred. (No offense, but that class is a joke. Everyone, you know you agree.)
The Algebra test looked tough up front, but ended up being slightly easier than I expected, even with Algebra being one of my hardest classes.
The Spanish test was easy, because I love Spanish, but it was long, and not everyone finished. Oh well. I guess that it is just foreshadowing to high school.
The English test, however, was HORRIBLE. Without going into a rant, which I know my friends have already heard, I'll simply say that my teacher didn't do a very good job preparing us for it. At all.
I think I got a better grade on the Spanish test, and English is my first language.
There is something wrong there, don't you think?
My allergies were also terrible yesterday, and taking tests with a sinus headache is literally the last thing anyone ever wants to do.
Well, Happy Sunshine!
April Vacation in TWO DAYS! (Sorry Is.)

Monday, April 12, 2010

So On Friday I Had This Thought...

And I thought I'd share it with you all because it was strange enough for me to want to spread it around.
I was in Art, and we're currently making puppets, so we were cutting up the fabric to make the puppet's clothes. (If you were wondering, my puppet is going to be J.K. Rowling. How awesome is that? Very. Very awesome.)
I was walking around looking for black fabric when this guy Rory stops me and says
"Feel this fabric; it's so soft and cozy!"
So I stop and feel it, and then I say
"Yeah, it is really soft!"
I turn to leave and then a thought hits me.
It was just, you know, a passing thought, but then it niggled its way into my brain and wouldn't leave.
Here is my niggling thought -
What if when we felt fabric, fabric felt back?

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Why I Should Never Be A Housekeeper

Here is a list of reasons why I should never be a housekeeper.
Hope that you enjoy this one, Ma.

1. I don't do a bang-up job, to say the least
I try, I really try to do a good job, but it somehow turns out that I never do a good job. I always miss something. I always forget to clean something for seven weeks and then when it is coughing up spiders and sagging under all the dust do I realize that it is is dirty and I need to clean it.

2. I'm too forgetful
Like I mentioned before, I forget to clean things. I just forget. Unless I have a distinct list of the things I need to clean, or I have been cleaning it for more than two months, I will forget to clean at least one thing.

3. I get too distracted while cleaning
I have this terrible thing called selective attention defecit disorder. Or SADD, but not the Students Against Distructive Decisions thing. No, I'm talking about selective ADD. It's bad. I can sit and read a book, easily, without moving from one spot for about three hours. Tell me to go vaccuum, and you end up with it taking me seven hours to do a job that should have taken about an hour. I get endless grief about this from my mother.

And least but not last
4. I just don't like cleaning
I think that that is pretty self-explanatory. I'm screwed when I move out.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Why Some People Shouldn't Play The Violin

So a few days ago, one of my mother's coworkers or something gave her a violin for all the children in my family to try out. I already play music (I am a flautist (that's for Alli) and I fool myself into thinking that I can play the guitar and piano when really I just mess around and play random notes.) and I am obsessed with listening to it.
For instance, right now I'm listening to 'I Stand Corrected' by Vampire Weekend.
Yesterday it was 'Colors of the Wind' from Pocahontas.
I listen to a wide variety of music, some of which involve violins, but I never realized how SMALL violins are! I don't know if the violin currently residing in my home is a baby violin or what, but it makes my hands seem huge, and it is a popular fact that my hands are tiny.
Like tiny tiny.
Small apples are larger than my fists.
But back to the violin.
It's so small that I can actually fit my hand around the neck, quite unlike my guitar. I can't wrap my hand around the neck of my guitar. I have to play the sixth string with my thumb.
But again, let's return to the violin.
My little brother has taken an extreme liking to that instrument.
To the point where he came up to me and said "When I get bored at the fire station when I'm older, I'll just play the violin."
I have high hopes for that child.
Also, since it is April Fool's Day, I have to say the one decent prank done to me today.
In band class, our conductor, Mr. Seapy, gave us a clarinet concerto.
It gave me a headache just looking at it.
He had us going for about twenty minutes.
Well, that's all for now!
Hope you all had a good April Fool's Day.
I'm out!