Welcome to my confessions... they aren't quite confessions, but welcome anyway...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tests and Allergies - A Tragedy

Today is Wednesday, the fourteenth of April.
It is also my brother's birthday!
Happy 16th Jake!
(Fun fact: my two brothers and I all have the same initials for our first and last name. AHA, my name is in fact NOT Elle. WHAT?)
Now that I'm done with random updates, let's get to the story.
I have some of the worst allergies known to mankind. I don't get the runny nose and scratchy throat as much as other people.
What I get are these absolutely murderous sinus headaches that feel like someone is taking a pickax to the inside of my forehead. Absolutely murderous.
I do about everything known to humans to try to remedy my allergies, but I still get them. Also, I happen to have sporadic insomnia that decided to come back this week and I haven't been sleeping well, on top of my allergies.
Life sucks.
So anyway, yesterday I had four tests, in various classes. I had a test in English, Spanish, Science, and Algebra.
The Science test was two questions and I ended up getting a hundred. (No offense, but that class is a joke. Everyone, you know you agree.)
The Algebra test looked tough up front, but ended up being slightly easier than I expected, even with Algebra being one of my hardest classes.
The Spanish test was easy, because I love Spanish, but it was long, and not everyone finished. Oh well. I guess that it is just foreshadowing to high school.
The English test, however, was HORRIBLE. Without going into a rant, which I know my friends have already heard, I'll simply say that my teacher didn't do a very good job preparing us for it. At all.
I think I got a better grade on the Spanish test, and English is my first language.
There is something wrong there, don't you think?
My allergies were also terrible yesterday, and taking tests with a sinus headache is literally the last thing anyone ever wants to do.
Well, Happy Sunshine!
April Vacation in TWO DAYS! (Sorry Is.)


    I am quite excited right now. If I were with you, I would be making your sinus headache much worse (mwahaha)

  2. Wow, way to be. I mention your name and you come up with many devious ways to make my headache worse!

  3. I apologize for my overreaction. I will now speak (write?) in a soft monotone. I mentioned you in a blog on my book blog. I coppied that idea from you. I hope you don't mind. I was bored today. I went on youtube. I rembered you mentioning charlie is so cool like once. I watched him. I thought he was quite funny.

  4. YAY~!!!I have made yet another person obsessed with Charlie!
    My friend Alli got me obsessed with him.
    Oh, youtube.
    You waste most of my life, your dear website.
