Welcome to my confessions... they aren't quite confessions, but welcome anyway...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Why I Should Never Be A Housekeeper

Here is a list of reasons why I should never be a housekeeper.
Hope that you enjoy this one, Ma.

1. I don't do a bang-up job, to say the least
I try, I really try to do a good job, but it somehow turns out that I never do a good job. I always miss something. I always forget to clean something for seven weeks and then when it is coughing up spiders and sagging under all the dust do I realize that it is is dirty and I need to clean it.

2. I'm too forgetful
Like I mentioned before, I forget to clean things. I just forget. Unless I have a distinct list of the things I need to clean, or I have been cleaning it for more than two months, I will forget to clean at least one thing.

3. I get too distracted while cleaning
I have this terrible thing called selective attention defecit disorder. Or SADD, but not the Students Against Distructive Decisions thing. No, I'm talking about selective ADD. It's bad. I can sit and read a book, easily, without moving from one spot for about three hours. Tell me to go vaccuum, and you end up with it taking me seven hours to do a job that should have taken about an hour. I get endless grief about this from my mother.

And least but not last
4. I just don't like cleaning
I think that that is pretty self-explanatory. I'm screwed when I move out.



  1. true, very true. I remember cleaning our locker and finding no less than 14 water bottles!! =^>

  2. Hey, that was in sixth grade! I was really terrible then!

  3. I do believe that this post is nothing but the truth! :)

  4. Hi!
    Well, we don't take MCAS but we take something called ERB which a standardized test, too.
    We should hang out, i haven't seen you since december.
    (hehe i can be elle to. JUST KIDDING!)

  5. You can, El.
    But that looks like Spanish.
    It means the, which you already knew.
    We do need to hang.
    Very badly.
    Do you guys have April vacay, or is it different because of you know, it being a private school?
    I forget.
    Oh, and I have a book of yours that I really need to return.

  6. I do not have April "vacay"
    I had my vacatiomn in March, which you would know if you read some of my first blogs.
    And you always have a book of mine, so it's no big deal. I was thinking about you and "Happy Puppies" the other day. We were, and still are, quite strange.

  7. We've gotten slightly less strange over the years, though.
    Guess what?
    Josh is obsessed with Thunderbirds.
    Can you say nostalgia?
