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Sunday, April 25, 2010

The iPad - The New Best Thing (Or Not?)

So everyone is going crazy over the new iPad, Apple's latest technical masterpiece.
I really don't get it.
It's just a bigger iPod Touch.
That's all it is folks!
You know what?
When Apple comes out with a time machine, then I'll buy it.
But until then, I'll have to make do with DVR.
I'm out.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Jennelle! You see the light too! All of apple's stuff is the same just with more memory or a touch screen and everyone will buy it because on the back it has an apple with a bite taken out of it. Personally this only reminds me of Snow White. Remind me when I open a big electronics store I am going to put a dinosaur on the back of my products. Let's see apple compete with that!
