Welcome to my confessions... they aren't quite confessions, but welcome anyway...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Staying up late

Twenty words or less on staying up late?
I can sum it up in four.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

And What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up Elle?

Remember when your teachers would ask you that question and you reached for the stars and said something along the lines of "I want to be a (insert job title here)!" and the job titles you used were something like 'super hero, fireman, doctor, veterinarian, author, barbie doll, marshmallow, batman, a teenage mutant ninja turtle, etc.'
Yeah, I went above and beyond as a kid.
When I was five, I decided to be a marine biologist.
I knew so much about marine life, I was a swimming, talking encyclopedia of all things wet.
I went on like that for a few years.
I still can tell you a lot about beluga whales (They were my favorite. Still are.).
After I stopped wanting to be a marine biologist, I wanted to be an actress. I guess that I'm OK at acting, and anyone in my family will give testament to the fact that I am often seen having conversations with myself quite often.
The problem with acting is that, while I love doing it, at my school they only do musicals. And my singing abilities are mediocre at best.
You don't want to hear me sing.
So I have forsaken being an actress for a career that accepts my weirdness and will totally allow me to stay locked in my room muttering to myself and call it OK.
I have, I guess, always wanted to be a writer. I've been writing stories since I was very little, and have been talking to myself for as long as I can remember, creating characters and worlds and talking to them.
My mom once told me that I used to go around telling people stories in a different language when I was little.
I must have been an awesome kid.
So while becoming a marine biologist is on the back burner, and being an actress a tempting possibility, but not one I am quite cut out for, I go off to my room to talk to myself.
The voices are protesting and I think I should go yell at them.
Till next time,

Monday, February 22, 2010

I Am Always Thoroughly Amazed When...

I decided that I am going to answer that question a few times in this update.

I am always thoroughly amazed when I get enough sleep at night.

I am always thoroughly amazed when movies don't end the way I think they will.

I am always thoroughly amazed when I trip, though I shouldn't be.

I am always thoroughly amazed when teachers call on me in class when I am not raising my hand, even though they do it all the time just to have sick little teacher inside joke time.

I am always thoroughly amazed when songs that I already have on my iPod get on the radio.

I am always thoroughly amazed when people look at my iPod and recognize some of the songs.

I am always thoroughly amazed when my prayers seem answered.

I am always thoroughly amazed when I get a good grade on an Algebra quiz.

I am always thoroughly amazed when people laugh at what I say.

I am always thoroughly amazed when life hands me lemons. Who knew that life was such a swell guy? Giving me lemons. What a nice feller.

I am always thoroughly amazed when my imaginary friends refuse to talk to me.

I am always thoroughly amazed when my brain comes back from break and finds my body doing weird things.

I am always thoroughly amazed when people actually read this. If they even do.

I am always thoroughly amazed when I take time out of my day to write stuff like this.
I need to go do my homework.
Good Night.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Why I Am Pathetic

I am pathetic because I still watch Disney Channel movie premieres.
Don't judge.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Vacation and Why I Hate It

OK, I know what you're thinking - why on Earth would anyone in their right mind hate vacation? Do you want to know why? Even if you don't I'm still going to tell you, so here goes.
I hate vacation because it is sneaky. It tricks you into thinking that every day is Saturday and then all of the sudden all of those Saturdays become Monday and life sucks again.
Vacation is just one big fat lie.
I get so used to the routine of going to bed very late, so late it can sometimes be considered early, and getting up at the crack of noon. Later than that, even.
But then Monday comes, and vacation is over, and at 6:00 my alarm dings on and starts pumping music into my room. And that doesn't wake me. So my mum comes in fifteen minutes afterwards and shakes my foot.
Yeah, you would think heavy metal would wake a body up real quick, but no, it sends me off to sleep. I still need my mother to wake me up. How sad is that?
But still, another reason vacation sucks - the homework teachers give you. OK, so they don't specifically call it homework, but it is. I have to do most of a project for Civics, read two chapters in my English book and answer the worksheet questions, do an entire Spanish packet, and study for the chapter test I'm having in Honors Algebra the Tuesday after we get back.
My teachers all said "Relax, enjoy the vacation, we aren't giving you any homework!"
They positively loaded us up with homework! They just didn't call it that.
And do you know why?
Technically, teachers aren't allowed to give us homework over vacation.
So what is this, you ask?
Make 'em walk the plank, says I!
Sorry, I've been reading pirate novels lately and the slang is catching on with me.
That, and I like piratical analogies.
What ever the case on my piracy, I still don't like school vacation.
And it is half way over.
And I'm mad.
I don't want to go back to school.
Not one bit.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Check out my other blog

I just created a book critique (more like review, but whatever) and the URL is http://critiqueswithelle112.blogspot.com/ Check it out please!

Monday, February 15, 2010


Have you ever had those moments in your life where you suddenly realize you've said the wrong thing and you wish with all of your heart that you could take it back but you can't because you don't have a time machine and even if you did you wouldn't know how to use it because time machines are from years in the future and we have absolutely NO IDEA how to use the blasted things anyway if we even did have them and then you realize that what you just said may or may not have changed the course of your life and you get very disturbed by this notion and then you go and eat a bagel or a carton of ice cream and you watch some television or read a book and forget all about what you said until it comes back in twenty or so years while you are at work when you suddenly realize that one of your coworkers went to your high school and was the person you said that thing that you wish you could have taken back but couldn't because you didn't have a time machine and even if you did you wouldn't have known how to work the blasted thing anyway because the stupid thing was too advanced for our time and then while you were off online searching for a time machine construction manual you had a terrifying thought that what you said but didn't mean to say could have potentially just changed your life entirely and you get so scared that you stop looking for a time machine and delete your Internet history so you can never look back and then you go eat a bagel or a carton of ice cream and watch some comedy show on television or read that book you've been meaning to and forget what you said until that very moment twenty or so years later when you are standing in front of the coworker whom you knew in high school and was the recipient of that horrible thing that you said but didn't mean to say that has somehow come back to haunt you?
Ever had one of those moments?
Yeah, neither have I.
Have a happy Valentine's Day.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Tonight, I heard my mother utter the unfortunate phrase to my younger brother.
The above phrase was as follows "C'mon bud, move your doodles."
My cerebellum has been scarred. FOR LIFE, mind you.
That was horrific!
I, for one, have a thing for coining phrases, and quite a few of them my friends still use to this day, for whatever reason, I don't know.
One of these phrases is boss orange.
Don't ask me where I came up with it. I just did. I was talking with one of my friends and it just came out. The friend I was talking with uses it to this day. Not kidding. I was chatting with her on my cell and she said it. I was shocked. I first said it about a year ago. That is the awesome power of my words, not to toot my own horn.
Another phrase I hear myself saying a lot that I obviously did not come up with is 'I know, right?' More commonly known as 'ikr' in txtspk.
I say it far too much in normal conversation. I mean, with all the known phrases in existence and the ones yet to be made up, and as a potential author, I go with 'I know, right?' Seriously?!
I know, right?!
The voices in my head have many conversations sometimes.
Another phrase that I enjoy using but didn't coin is 'cool beans'. I love saying that so much that I find myself at times jumping into other people's conversations saying "Cool Beans!" just for the sake of saying "Cool Beans!"
I lead no existence, but it is totally OK. Cool beans.
And from the phrase cool beans, I have developed cool beans older, cooler, hipper cousin that expresses fear, or amazement.
This new phrase is "Strange beans."
I say this new one just as much as 'cool beans' and 'I know, right?'. And it is entirely my friend's fault. But that is another story for another day.
They make the world go round.
No, seriously, they do.
Everything we say is a phrase.
If we didn't speak in phrases, we'd just be speaking nonsense words.
Phrases also pop up in music.
Without music, life has no worth.
But seriously, phrases are important in speaking, music, and everyday, general life.

Monday, February 8, 2010

School is Awkward - Take If From the Awkwardest

School is just a breeding ground for awkward moments. Take it from the Queen of Awkward Moments. I don't know why, but awkward moments tend to breed around me, like they live off of the words I by accidently vomit out.
I'm just a walking, talking, awkward moment.
Here is a list of awkward moments that i encounter on a daily basis.
1. Walking Up The Stairs
Walking up the stairs is SO AWKWARD. Especially if you're walking behind someone. You have NO WHERE to look. You can either look at the person in front of you's feet. You can look at their butt. Or you can gaze up at the ceiling. You trip if you look at their feet, you run into people if you look at the ceiling, and you feel like a pervert if you look at their butt. I have an irrational fear that someone is looking at my butt when I walk up the stairs, so I try to think about happy things, like chocolate rainbows and honors English when I walk up the stairs.
2. Sitting Alone at a Lunch Table
Is there anything more sad and awkward than this? Picture-sitting alone at a huge table, trying not to look like a dork while snarfing your lunch so you can gaze out the window and feel like you maybe look preoccupied in your thoughts, your deep, deep thoughts about Life, The Universe, and Everything! (Side note, that is the name of one of my favorite books, by Douglas Adams, who is brilliant.)
3. Teachers Saying That's What She Said Jokes Without Their Knowledge
Now, THAT is just awkward. Have you ever had that teacher that is just spouting things in class that make you want to scream and pee your pants with laughter because they say it with a straight face and have no idea that what they are saying is hilariously funny to teenage kids. Me and my friends have a system. Whenever a teacher says a that's what she said, we raise our hands. The teacher has no idea what is going on, and me and my pals get another chuckle at their bemused faces.
4. Those Awkward Pauses Which Make You Want To Take Back Whatever You Just Said
Ever had one of those? Self explanatory then.
5. Adolescent Ramblings That Involve A Lot Of Dirty Jokes
Ever been in a room with twenty fourteen year olds?
That doesn't need explaining either.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Where Art Thou, Life Of Mine?

I have absolutely no life whatsoever.
It's true, ask ANYONE.
"You know Elle?"
"Yeah, that chick has NO LIFE, man. None at all."
"Seriously? I'd have thought a smart, funny, interesting girl like her would have never been home."
"Nope. No life."
That was just a sample conversation of what someone would say if they were asking about my life. It probably happens everyday, for all I know.
I digress.
So the reason I have had the epiphany that I have absolutely no life whatsoever is that the musical I was in, OKLAHOMA, just ended.
That musical took up most of my life for the past four months, and now that it's over, I have absolutely NO IDEA about what I am going to do with myself! Am I going to focus on schoolwork and exercise? Or am I going to focus on that novel I've been meaning to write and the Internet? All of the possibilities are running around in my head like marbles that are somehow strung out on crack.
I'm actually kind of concerned for my welfare. And for the welfare of my utterly, impossibly insane brain.
The problem with musicals, especially school related ones, is that they take over your life, so that you devote every waking second to the success of the play, and then all of the sudden, four months flies by and you're taking your final bows at the end of the final show and then you have to strike the set and then it's over.
Your little family is once again dispersed throughout the school and you barely see them any more. The seniors are in the senior wing and you never get to say hi. Then they graduate, and you never see them again.
Life really is horrible that way. It lets you get close to people and then you never see them again.
But, then again, it shows you that you should never take life for granted, and that some of the best times of your life are the memories you keep about belting OKLAHOMA with forty-nine members of your new family around $150 of Chinese food at 11:00 at night.
I haven't been alive for that long, but I know that when you have memories like those, you've probably been living your life right.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Being A Cookie Is Not Good

So I know that this news is a little late, but I felt like I had to say something about Heidi Montag and her apparent addiction to plastic surgery.
Today I was reading a magazine at my local library, and the main story was how Heidi Montag was addicted to plastic surgery.
I understand that some people really, truly do need some plastic surgery, and that it can be life saving on some counts, but Ms. Montag had 10 surgeries in one visit, and visibly changed her appearance, in my opinion for the worse.
As I was reading the article, it said she had a neck liposuction!
Who lipo's their neck?
I mean, most of the surgeries she had done were completely because she didn't like the way she looked.
I can't understand why a person would want to do that to themselves.
She got her chin reduced because someone said she had a Jay Leno chin.
Yes, Jay Leno has a HUGE chin, but Ms. Montag did not. She had an original and lovely face that is gone now because she's transformed it into a cookie cutter version of the American idea of beautiful.
I really wish that people would understand that they are beautiful the way that they were born, and that willingly going under the knife just to make yourself look prettier isn't the way.
The people who love you, love you FOR YOU!
They really don't want to see you in pain. They don't want to see you upset with yourself. I can understand why someone would opt for plastic surgery if something about their body was impairing the way they lived their life, but going under just to make yourself look different is, in my opinion, the wrong decision.
I know that this is very opinionated, but I believe that people who do plastic surgery for the wrong reasons aren't very smart, to say the least.
Once you go under major surgery, you can't go back.
What if you don't like what you look like?
What if you end up unhappy with the result in the long run?
I'm just saying, from a teenage standpoint, I love myself the way I am, and can't understand why someone would want to change themselves.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Do Chairs Jump Out At You Too?

I am very clumsy.
Just putting it out there.
My friends call me Mobo, a nickname derived from the fact that I should never be mobile.
I have mobilephobia.
That isn't a word, but it should be.
You know what I have?
The fear of tripping.
I have trippophobia.
And my klutziness has gotten to the point where when I fall, no one helps me.
They just laugh.
I kind of wish everyone was as klutzy as me for a day.
Then they would know that it is horribly unfun to be clumsy.
A quote comes to mind that reminds me of this situation.
"Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them, you're a mile away from them, and you have their shoes." Frieda Norris.
This pertains to me.
Except in my case, everyone should trip and fall and bang their entire right side into a closet.
Then at least the deal is even.

Monday, February 1, 2010

British People

OK, I know I already did a blog today, but I was just watching a YouTube video of charlieissocoollike, whom I personally love, he's hilarious, and if you've never heard of him, go check him out. You won't be disappointed.
So besides the fact that charlieissocoollike is awesome, which he is, I have recently discovered that I might have a medical condition.
It's called Anglophilia, or the love of England.
I have it very bad.
My friend Alli told me about this today, because we both have a thing for the British people on YouTube. Namely, nerimon, charlieissocoollike, littleradge, etc., etc.
I have Anglophilia.
I am an Anglophile.
So much so, that I giggle whenever I hear British accents, and am pretty good at mimicking one.
I love British people.
I love them.
I might just have to move to England so I can become sick of British people, and go back to my normal life.
Actually, I don't think that would be a good move.
Everywhere I went, I'd just giggle at everyone who ever talked to me.
Well, I have to go.
I have British people to listen to.

The Merits of Being in the Ensemble

I love that word - Ensemble.
I like to say it in a French accent so it sounds like 'On-som-blay.'
Got to have the nasal n.
So, I am excited.
My high school production of OKLAHOMA goes on in TWO DAYS!!!! It's really quite unnerving. I can't believe we made it. Most of the time people still don't know their lines when the dress rehearsals come around.
But this year it is different! Everyone knows their lines, everyone has their costume, and people are actually showing up with a positive attitude.
It makes me very happy. Even though I'm not very important.
I am in the ENSEMBLE.
This can be unfortunate, or fortunate, depending upon how you look at it.
I have a few reasons that apply to both.
1. You either are a minor one liner or a no liner.
This could either be a good thing, if you don't like speaking on stage, or a bad thing, if you're like me and like speaking better than singing. My singing voice is mediocre, so I like speaking to bring my character to life. Without lines, I can't really do that.
2. You know all of the songs but never sing them.
If you're in the ensemble, you often learn the duets and solo songs before the person who actually has to learn them does. This is a cause for celebration and frustration. When you know the songs, but can't sing them unless you're alone in the shower or walking home alone with your ear buds in, your singing skills aren't appreciated, and you get mad. And then you sing under your breath while the person who is supposed to be singing it is singing. It is a cause for celebration because, hey, if they ever need someone to stand in, you know the words!
3. You can be whomever you want in the play.
The ensemble at my school gets to choose their back stories because the director, Mrs. V., says that she always picks one person in the ensemble to follow in the show and that they tell the story best. I agree, so I try to be the best nameless person ever. This year, I chose the name Tallulah, one because it is my favorite name, and two, it seems like a good, Oklahoman name. I totally agree with the ensemble telling the story bit though. After Mrs. V. told us that last year, every play I've been to since, I've always watched someone in the ensemble, and watching them has inspired me to be the best cast member as I can possibly be.
My time as Tallulah is almost done though, because we go on in TWO DAYS!!!! I'm so excited.
But at the same time, I'm very sad. A portion of the cast this year are seniors, so they won't be back next year. And that makes me sad. Many of them were fantastic this year.
I'm going to miss all of them.
I'm going to miss Oklahoma.
This play has been my life for the past four months. In September, I never thought that February would come so soon. Now I have two more rehearsals, three performances and we strike the set and I go on living my life and I won't see some of my drama family again.
Talk about depressing.
But instead of focusing on the negative, I must focus on the positive!
I am going to be the best god dingit Tallulah that the grand territory of Oklahoma has ever seen!