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Monday, February 1, 2010

The Merits of Being in the Ensemble

I love that word - Ensemble.
I like to say it in a French accent so it sounds like 'On-som-blay.'
Got to have the nasal n.
So, I am excited.
My high school production of OKLAHOMA goes on in TWO DAYS!!!! It's really quite unnerving. I can't believe we made it. Most of the time people still don't know their lines when the dress rehearsals come around.
But this year it is different! Everyone knows their lines, everyone has their costume, and people are actually showing up with a positive attitude.
It makes me very happy. Even though I'm not very important.
I am in the ENSEMBLE.
This can be unfortunate, or fortunate, depending upon how you look at it.
I have a few reasons that apply to both.
1. You either are a minor one liner or a no liner.
This could either be a good thing, if you don't like speaking on stage, or a bad thing, if you're like me and like speaking better than singing. My singing voice is mediocre, so I like speaking to bring my character to life. Without lines, I can't really do that.
2. You know all of the songs but never sing them.
If you're in the ensemble, you often learn the duets and solo songs before the person who actually has to learn them does. This is a cause for celebration and frustration. When you know the songs, but can't sing them unless you're alone in the shower or walking home alone with your ear buds in, your singing skills aren't appreciated, and you get mad. And then you sing under your breath while the person who is supposed to be singing it is singing. It is a cause for celebration because, hey, if they ever need someone to stand in, you know the words!
3. You can be whomever you want in the play.
The ensemble at my school gets to choose their back stories because the director, Mrs. V., says that she always picks one person in the ensemble to follow in the show and that they tell the story best. I agree, so I try to be the best nameless person ever. This year, I chose the name Tallulah, one because it is my favorite name, and two, it seems like a good, Oklahoman name. I totally agree with the ensemble telling the story bit though. After Mrs. V. told us that last year, every play I've been to since, I've always watched someone in the ensemble, and watching them has inspired me to be the best cast member as I can possibly be.
My time as Tallulah is almost done though, because we go on in TWO DAYS!!!! I'm so excited.
But at the same time, I'm very sad. A portion of the cast this year are seniors, so they won't be back next year. And that makes me sad. Many of them were fantastic this year.
I'm going to miss all of them.
I'm going to miss Oklahoma.
This play has been my life for the past four months. In September, I never thought that February would come so soon. Now I have two more rehearsals, three performances and we strike the set and I go on living my life and I won't see some of my drama family again.
Talk about depressing.
But instead of focusing on the negative, I must focus on the positive!
I am going to be the best god dingit Tallulah that the grand territory of Oklahoma has ever seen!

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