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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Vacation and Why I Hate It

OK, I know what you're thinking - why on Earth would anyone in their right mind hate vacation? Do you want to know why? Even if you don't I'm still going to tell you, so here goes.
I hate vacation because it is sneaky. It tricks you into thinking that every day is Saturday and then all of the sudden all of those Saturdays become Monday and life sucks again.
Vacation is just one big fat lie.
I get so used to the routine of going to bed very late, so late it can sometimes be considered early, and getting up at the crack of noon. Later than that, even.
But then Monday comes, and vacation is over, and at 6:00 my alarm dings on and starts pumping music into my room. And that doesn't wake me. So my mum comes in fifteen minutes afterwards and shakes my foot.
Yeah, you would think heavy metal would wake a body up real quick, but no, it sends me off to sleep. I still need my mother to wake me up. How sad is that?
But still, another reason vacation sucks - the homework teachers give you. OK, so they don't specifically call it homework, but it is. I have to do most of a project for Civics, read two chapters in my English book and answer the worksheet questions, do an entire Spanish packet, and study for the chapter test I'm having in Honors Algebra the Tuesday after we get back.
My teachers all said "Relax, enjoy the vacation, we aren't giving you any homework!"
They positively loaded us up with homework! They just didn't call it that.
And do you know why?
Technically, teachers aren't allowed to give us homework over vacation.
So what is this, you ask?
Make 'em walk the plank, says I!
Sorry, I've been reading pirate novels lately and the slang is catching on with me.
That, and I like piratical analogies.
What ever the case on my piracy, I still don't like school vacation.
And it is half way over.
And I'm mad.
I don't want to go back to school.
Not one bit.

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