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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summer Stories - Volume 2: Now I Remember Why I'm Practically A Vampire

Remember all those posts I write about being tired all the time and how I don't sleep enough?
Well, now I remember why I don't go to bed early.
Yesterday was my little brother's birthday party, and my lovely mother (Hi Ma) decided to wake me very early so I could get ready to go to Laser Quest with about eleven 7-year-olds. Now I don't know if Laser Quest is a Massachusetts thing, but it basically is laser tag - you get this huge vest thing with a laser gun and you go into a labyrinthine maze that is splattered with glow-in-the-dark paint and lit with black lights and you shoot people.
NO, my legs did not glow in the black light, thank you very much.
Back to the story.
Laser Quest is one of those activities where you walk a tentative line when you participate in them. I only go about once a year, maybe twice. It's always a blast when I go, because most of the time I go with my friends and we get to go in and shoot each other for about twenty minutes. It's fun. But then you've got those souls who look like they come to Laser Quest a little too much, catch my drift?
They're the kids who know the names of the people working at Laser Quest. They always win. They stand outside the door discussing battle strategies. They look down their noses at common folk like us who just go to have a good time, not to live out some adolescent fantasy of being a sniper in some elite branch of the military. Those kids are geeks for laser tag.
Now, I'm totally OK with going geek for something. I'm geeked for writing. And music. I'm a music snob, actually. But to me it seems a bit too Star Wars fantasy dreams to be normal adolescence. To each their own. Besides, I love Star Wars. May the force be with you, and all that jazz.
What was I talking about?
Oh, yeah - Joshua's birthday party.
This party honestly went on forever. One of Joshua's friends was here till about 7 0'clock. By then I was bushed. I also had spent the day with two of my close friends (hey guys) and had eaten a little too much cake.
So I went to bed at 8 o'clock in the evening.
Do you know how early that is?
It is so early it is still light enough to go for a bike ride and to come back before dark.
I'm surprised I could do it, but obviously I was tired enough. Bad move, Jennelle.
I woke up at 4 o'clock in the morning. Obviously, I fell back to sleep. But at 5 I couldn't take it anymore. I read for two hours and then made pancakes at 7.
And then I took a catnap.
Summer is amazing.
Have a great week.

1 comment:

  1. Remember those people who were talking about the lazer tag camp they went to in Vermont? Oh, some people are stranger than we are...
