Welcome to my confessions... they aren't quite confessions, but welcome anyway...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Going Shopping

So today I went shopping with my mom for a jacket to wear over my graduation dress. I really don't understand the big deal about graduation. Why can't we just wear jeans and a tee shirt and get a slip of paper and just say "cheers" to everyone and get on with our lives?
Honestly, we're only moving down a floor.
It's no big deal.
But, anything to get people to spend money.
I try not to spend a lot of money, so I got my dress at T. J. Maxx but I still needed a jacket because it...well, I need a jacket over it.
Let's leave it at that.
I'm just kidding. I need one because it has spaghetti straps and that is against dress code.
Back to the story - I live in Massachusetts, which is one of the smaller states.
Oh, who am I kidding?
Massachusetts is freaking TINY.
I live in a town so small that everyone else knows where everyone and their mother lives.
Georgetown is kind of like a black hole.
Once you're in, it's hard to get out.
There are people in this town who's parents lived their whole life in Georgetown, and then they lived their whole life in Georgetown, and now they have kids.
I know that as soon as I can, I'm heading out as fast as I can.
I kind of can't wait to split, leave, get to experience life other than living in Georgetown, which is East Kneecaps Nowhere, Massachusetts.
Anywho, back to the story instead of bashing my town, which apart from being tiny is pretty cool.
There are a bunch of malls in Massachusetts, and one of them, the Northshore Mall, has a Forever 21 store, which has three floors and is possibly the largest store I've ever seen in my life. It gives you a headache. It makes you want to buy every single thing you can lay your hands on.
I call this shopping fever.
I didn't buy that much. Just a pair of sandals and jacket for my dress.
I guess I'm kind of oblivious to shopping fever. Or, maybe I've gotten the vaccine.
I had an idea for this post, but I forget where I was going.
OH, right.
Before going shopping, my mother and I paid a visit to my aunt, and then we went to Bobs, which is in Middleton, which, despite having Richardson's Farms, which has the most delicious ice cream known to mankind, is kind of a hick-town.
Not stereotyping; my mom grew up in Middleton.
And I really used a lot of whichs in that sentence, didn't I?
Anyway, in front of Bobs, there was a tough looking guy in a beat-up, old, pick-up truck.
And he had a chihuahua on his lap.
No stereotyping.
I promise.
Happy June 13th.


  1. Yes, we do?
    I put a question mark ther by accident, but I'm going to leave it there.
    I am cool.
    So call me sometime because if we just say it on my blog here, we never will.
