Welcome to my confessions... they aren't quite confessions, but welcome anyway...

Friday, June 18, 2010

Just A Random Thought...

I was driving in the car with my mom, and it struck me that I will only meet about 1% of the world's population in my life.
I will never know people, and all they contribute.
I will never meet the people I see in their cars on the highway.
Those people in the mall I will never see again.
And that makes me very sad.
But also appreciative of all of the wonderful people I know.
Shout out-I love you all and appreciate you very much.
Thank you for being in my life.
Happy Summer!
P.S. I may not be posting a lot over the summer.
If the fancy strikes me, I might, but I'm trying to get a life, and I won't find it on the computer.
No offense.

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