Welcome to my confessions... they aren't quite confessions, but welcome anyway...

Sunday, May 30, 2010

I Should Really Be A Vampire (AKA, How My, Erm, Bits, Got Burnt Away)

Sorry about that title. I was bored and I wanted to be crass.
So, I went to the beach today, and for those of you who know me, I'm kind of, no VERY pale. Like super-duper pale.
Like Edward Cullen would be jealous pale.
Like...I can't top that last one. That was a stroke of genius right there.
Haha, Cullen, haha.
So I was at the beach, and I was catching some rays. This is a strange experience for me. Normally I'm the kind of person who stays inside and reads or goes on the computer of watches reruns of Buffy the Vampire Slayer until late at night. I'm that girl.
This weekend I've clocked more hours outside than I have last month.
That is saying something people.
That is saying something.
As mentioned above, I have very pale skin. Very pale. My mother calls it ivory. I call it white.
Same difference.
Anywho, this pale skin gets burnt very easily. So, while I fell asleep on the beach listening to Vivaldi's Four Seasons, my thighs and shoulders (I was lying on my stomach) decided that lobster was the right color for them.
Oh, and somehow my, um, breasty business got burnt.
Oh, how they hurt.
I'm in terrible pain, and looking like a steamed crustacean.
Life can't get any better than this.
But Harry Potter is on ABC family, and I know all the words, so I'm going to go attend to that addiction.
Have a great memorial day, all.

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