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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Summer Stories - Volume 7: Shopping and Why I Am Like the Piggies In That Nursery Rhyme

You know why I hate shopping? I hate shopping because everyone who is the in fashion industry somehow forgets that most normal people in the world don't look like they were built out of sticks by a cro-magnon and don't eat food? I'M NOT LIKE THAT!!! I HAVE HIPS, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! I have WIDE HIPS! Holy Moses, this is just NOT FREAKING FAIR! So I went shopping tonight, and ended up crying all the way home like the piggies in that nursery rhyme. I tried on about thirty tops and not one of them fit! The only thing that fit was the leggings, and they were ONE SIZE FITS ALL (Oh the irony)! It's just not fair. At all. Not fair, at all, screw the fashion industry. My mother and I were talking on the ride how (well, she was talking, I was snuffling through my tears) and I said that I wished that I had the boobs to balance my fat ass and my mother goes "No you don't! You'd look like Betty Boop!" Thanks BUNCHES Mother. Every teenage girl wishes that they looked like a fifties pin-up cartoon.
Lots of love!
P.S. Guess who gets to go to a John Mayer concert? ME ME ME!!!

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