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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Summer Stories - Volume 8: Recipe For Awesome and JOHN FREAKING MAYER!

Alright, GOOOD MORNING WORLD (it's 8:00 in the evening, why did I say good morning? The world will never know) GOOOOD EVENING WORLD!!!!
I'm in an exceptionally good mood, aren't I?
You know why?
Text message.
It's my friend Hannah's birthday on Monday, so everybody leave her a comment and then I get to tell her that people all around this world love her in a creepy voice. That would really make me joyous, so make it happen, people!
Anywho, where was I?
Oh, yeah.
Guess who went to a concert last night?
Not Barbara Walters, ME!!!!
And it was John Mayer, with Train as the opening act.
Oh my Holy Moses, it was AWESOME!
Train was so good. I was so glad that we made it there in time to see them, because the traffic was insane, but we made it, and it was amazing.
So after Train, you know, there's about an hour of set-up time where most people eat or drink. During this time, I got nachos and ate them (by the way, they were delicious!) and my friend Liv got a pretzel, but you couldn't eat in the stadium, so we had to sit just outside it while we were waiting for her mom. We also got matching concert tees during this time period.
Anyway, we walk back into the arena, and there are these three ladies sitting in our seats (by the way, our seats were AWESOME! Isle seats to the right of the stage, close enough so that you could see the band and they looked people-sized, instead of like ants. Those seats were also good for something else too, but I'll get to that later) and they are totally smashed. So Liv's mom goes "I think you ladies are in our seats" and one of the ladies looks up and goes "Oh, OK" and then another looks up and practically shoves her beer under my nose and says "Someone spilled beer on your seat" and I say "Really, someone, huh?" and she goes "Uh-huh" and then the three of them get up and leave and as they are leaving I notice that one of them looks like she pissed herself. Oh, I hope that they weren't driving themselves home.
The music was amazing. Honestly, if you can only say one thing about John Mayer, it has to be that the guy is an AMAZING guitarist. Seriously, he could give buckets of his talent away and still be more talented than the average human. It's just not fair. Also, at one point he was playing ukulele and his saxophonist was playing the soprano sax. The awkward guitar and the awkward saxophone unite! And it was awesome. Also #2, John Mayer changed guitars for every song. Legitimately every song. He must have a lot of guitars. I digress.
Remember what I said about those seats being good for something else too?
Well here it is:
I was THISCLOSE to TOUCHING John Mayer!(!!!!!!!)
Liv's shoulder was in the way!
She got to touch his hand though. So jealous!
So he had gone up to the lawn seats to sing a few songs, and then he had to get back to the stage and he went down OUR ISLE!!!!
All in all, it was a good concert.
My title for this entry was Recipe for Awesome and John Freaking Mayer, and while I've addressed the John Freaking Mayer portion of that, I have yet to discuss Recipe For Awesome, and I don't think I will because 1: I think it deserves its own post and 2: This post is really long and I've probably bored you all to tears, so I will bid you adieu.
Love love love!

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