Welcome to my confessions... they aren't quite confessions, but welcome anyway...

Friday, January 29, 2010

Hello Internet!

Hey Internet,
Glad that we are finally meeting!
It's a pleasure!
Alright, so here's the long and short of it- I want to be a writer.
I want to be a writer so bad it makes my teeth hurt.
That was a TERRIBLE sentence, but I have an artistic license.
I guess.
So, I want to be a writer. And I figured that a blog was a good way to start.
So Hello, World!
Elle has started to write!


  1. Hello there!
    I found your blog very interesting, and look forward to more posts!
    As another aspiring novelist, I wish you much luck!


  2. Dear Whimsy,
    Thanks very much.
    Glad you enjoyed it!
    Luck to another aspiring novelist!
